This route allows the visitor to come into contact with all the elements of the cultural landscape: history, culture and nature. Starting from Ravello, you immerse yourself in the liveliest agricultural landscape of the coast; you cross densely terraced areas thanks to the presence of abundant water resources, encountering numerous churches or simple chapels that dot the area and represent the real religious sentiment of the ancient inhabitants of the area. The closer you get to the sea, the more you understand how all the elements of the cultural landscape form a system where each one finds the right balance with the other. The descent along these ancient stairways leads the visitor to understand this system and to experience their visit with a sense of deep immersion in the true spirit of the Amalfi Coast .

The itinerary is practicable on foot. Departing from Ravello it is necessary to cross pedestrian roads indicated by direction signals that you can already see in Via Boccaccio. You pass Torello hamlet and you reach Minori in Villamena locality.

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