Scala – History

Scala – History

According to local tradition, Scala is considered the most ancient village of the coast because the history referred by Chronicon Salernitaum (XI century) wants that roman shipwrecked persons who arrived here during their wandering found the area lived by men unknown to them.

Probably a part from the legend it is necessary to see in this account an ancient attending for agricultural aims or for wood resource exploitation.

In medieval time it changed from “terra” to “civica” and in 987 it was risen to bishop seat depending from the one of Amalfi. There were numerous fights with the near Ravello, to stop them in XIV century there was a wedding between two representatives of the most famous families of the villages: Antonio Coppola and Marinella Rufolo.

Afterwards the two municipalities were also unified both for what concerns the bishop seat (the bishop seat of Ravello included the one of Scala since 1600 and it was suppressed in XIX century) and for what concerns government in the last century.