Ravello – Culture

Ravello – Culture

Ravello image which strikes the visitor is the one of a very lively centre thanks to the numerous occasions, during the whole year, to be able to attend a concert in the wonderful Rufolo villa. Ravello is the town music par excellence, thanks to the visit by Richard Wagner in 1880 and to remind it since more than 50 years it is organized a summer classic music festival, that in the last years has also been enriched by no music performances; Ravello offers to the visitor its architecture beauties which derivate from the economic role that it had during Medieval time.

Ancient patrician homes (patrician people were able to unify the ability of “bargaining” with available richness) are authentic jewels which reproduce local tastes and overseas artistic influences in the used materials.

The principal square well represents the cultural urbanistic atmosphere, when Ravello, loyal allied, was able to change also from the urbanistic point of view, locating at the centre the three powers which represented the town: S. Maria Assunta Cathedral, the civil Curia, seat of the local judge, and l’hospitium domorum, the palace which belonged to the most prominence family from the economical point of view, Rufolo.