NAME: Church of St. Eustace
LOCATION: Loc. Pontone
DESCRIPTION: The remains of the structures, dating back to the 12th century (the bells are dated to 1187), were affected by a major restoration that made it possible to halt the destructive process, which began in 1570.
Basilican in the plan, with three naves and an apse, the church still retains its grandeur due to its dominant position on a rocky outcrop and the three apses rising many meters above the plateau.
The naves were probably divided by arches resting on columns, of which only a few remain; nothing remains of the roof, while the decoration of the outer apsidal part is interesting. The façade, in fact, is lightened by motifs of blind pointed arches, arranged on several registers and resting on twin small columns of fine white marble, sometimes double and enriched with elements of tuff, apt to create chromatic contrasts.
The remains of a crypt, partly collapsed, and various terraces enrich the layout.
SEE, VISIT, FIND: The site is still being restored architecturally, but can be visited by contacting the BAPPSAE superintendence of Salerno in advance.
OPPORTUNITIES: If there were, even outside, explanatory and reconstructive signs or models of the structure, the visitor could fully enjoy this important architectural evidence.
BIBLIOGRAFIA: FRANCIOSA N., Scala. Storia, Cultura e Paesaggio, Salerno 2001
CAFFARO A. –GARGANO G., Costiera amalfitana, guida storico-artistica, Salerno 1979