Cetara – Culture

Cetara – Culture

Cetara offers to the visitor a sight on a world rich of sea-culture atmosphere From the architectural point of view, the village reproduces the model of the centre, open towards the beach but at the same time on the most exposed side it has been built a watching tower to protect the territory.

Sea culture is also found in gastronomy where the strong point is represented by blue-fish of small size fishing, anchovies and tuna; these two products represent the most important part of local economy both directly through fishing and through transformation. The colatura d’alici which is Cetarese’s most famous product represents the most important example of local culture: the anchovies are salted and placed in layers in chestnut barrels where they are left for several months. At the end of the curing process, the “colatura,” a flavorful condiment that transforms the flavor of even a simple pasta dish, is tapped from the barrels.

People from Cetara departing from a poor product of fishing brought back to existence the ancient and noble roman garum.