Cultural heritage and traditions

UNESCO Amalfi Coast : patrimonio dell'umanità. Beni e tradizioni

Villa Episcopio

MUNICIPALITY: Ravello NAME: Villa Episcopio LOCATION: Episcopio Street DESCRIPTION: Villa Episcopio, built during the 11th century, is the former residence of the bishops of Ravello.

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Monumento a Umberto I

MUNICIPALITY: Ravello NAME: Monument to Umberto I LOCATION: Piazza Fontana DESCRIPTION: On July 29, 1900, the King of Italy Umberto I died assassinated in Monza.

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Sacrario ai caduti

MUNICIPALITY: Ravello NAME: War Memorial (and Church of St. Augustine) LOCATION: Piazza Fontana DESCRIPTION: The church of St. Augustine stands at the ancient Piazza di

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Monastero SS. Trinità

MONASTERO SS. TRINITA’ “The Tamed Revolt” The ancient Benedictine monastery of the Holy Trinity, dating back to the 10th century, unlike other ecclesiastical properties that

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