NAME: Palazzo Sasso
LOCATION: Via S. Giovanni del Toro

DESCRIPTION: Belonged to the Acconciagioco family and then passed to the Sasso family from Scala, the palace shows the architectural features typical of buildings from the early Angevin period.
The multi-story structure is built around a courtyard, off-center from the entrance, which consists of a pointed-arched doorway leading into passageways and access to the upper floors.
Of interest is the facade toward the east, lightened by wide pointed-arch openings with a balcony of “figure-eight” shaped columns. The building underwent major refurbishment work back in the past, when it began to be used for accommodation purposes (old Palumbo hotel).

SEE, VISIT, FIND: The palace is used as a hotel and therefore is not open for visits.
OPPORTUNITIES: Illustrative panels placed outside could well substitute, if complete with all historical and architectural information, for a visit. The palace could also be contextualized through cross-references to other evidence of civil architecture in Ravello.



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