Amalfi is the protagonist of many story accounts which swing between history and myth. For sure the most famous one is the one concerning submerged Amalfi that says that in November 1343 half of the centre of medieval era was destroyed by a seaquake. As consequences of that destruction fishermen still say that their nets thrown in open sea get beached in the ancient palace ruins and they also tell of a fountain that still nowadays would emit sweet water offshore.
The other famous legend is the one of the duchess of Amalfi, member of the last feudatory amalfi family, Piccolomini, that was locked with her sons inside Ziro tower because of a love not approved by her brothers and she was left there to starve as punishment. There are other stories which entwine themselves to legendary elements or linked to faith of this population that in apostle Andrea see their intercessor with God to be protected by dangerous enemy attacks.