Belvedere Principessa di Piemonte

NAME: Belvedere Principessa di Piemonte
LOCATION: Via S. Giovanni del Toro.

DESCRIPTION: In late 1932, the Ravello Tourist Board (Azienda Autonoma Soggiorno e Turismo di Ravello) decided to purchase and then open to the public, for the enchanting view it offered, a garden owned by Duke Confalone. The following year, on June 11, Princess Maria Josè of Savoy, who was in Ravello with her husband Umberto to attend the first concerts at Villa Rufolo, inaugurated the panoramic terrace that the town wanted to dedicate to her. The tribute was not dictated solely by reasons of protocol or representation: the princess, who at twenty-six was in the prime of her youth, had charmed the soul of the people from Ravello, who had the opportunity to meet a young member of the royal family for the first time. The encounter left its mark on the population, which still remembers that visit, brief but with some kind of fairy-tale light.

SEE, VISIT, FIND: Open to the public.

“Il fascino dei Reali”

Sul finire del 1932 l’Azienda Autonoma Soggiorno e Turismo di Ravello decise di acquistare e quindi aprire al pubblico, per l’incantevole panorama che offriva, un giardino di proprietà del Duca Confalone. L’anno successivo, l’11 Giugno, la principessa Maria Josè di Savoia che era a Ravello con lo sposo Umberto per assistere ai primi concerti in Villa Rufolo inaugurò la terrazza panoramica che la Città volle dedicarle. The tribute was not dictated solely by reasons of protocol or representation: the princess, who at twenty-six was in the prime of her youth, had charmed the soul of the people from Ravello, who had the opportunity to meet a young member of the royal family for the first time. The encounter left its mark on the population, which still remembers that visit, brief but with some kind of fairy-tale light.


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