Chiesa San Michele Arcangelo

MUNICIPALITY: Conca dei Marini
NAME: Chiesa San Michele Arcangelo / Church of St. Michael the Archangel

DESCRIPTION: Already built in 1208, the single-nave structure has two chapels on each side. These chapels are surmounted by cross vaults that also continue over the transept area, while they turn into a single barrel vault on the entrance part.
Devoid of apses, the church shows an arched entrance (similar to an exonarthex). The left side of the structure shows a series of vaulted rooms on two floors; the bell tower, with several registers, ends with a cylindrical cell, in which single lancet windows and a final cusp open.

SEE, VISIT, FIND: The church is open during religious services.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: SCHIAVO A., Monumenti della Costa di Amalfi, Milano 1941 .


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