Museo Diocesano

NAME: Diocesan Museum
LOCATION: Basilica of the Crucifix / Basilica del Crocifisso

DESCRIPTION: The Diocesan Museum was founded in 1995 in the Basilica of the Crucifix and brings together architectural elements and works of art found in the three structures to which it relates (the Cathedral, the Cloister of Paradise / Chiostro del Paradiso, and the Basilica of the Crucifix).
The first nucleus of works consists of the frescoes in the Cloister of Paradise and the Basilica itself: the Crucifixion from the school of Roberto d’Oderisio in the Cloister il Beato Grado Sasso with Saints Cosma and Damiano (13th century- chapels on the left side of the Basilica), and the Virgin and Divine Infant (13th century – Siena school – Basilica).
Along the right side are exposed columns, urns, and capitals of various provenance. The display cases, on the other hand, contain many examples of locally derived art, including the Mitra Angioina by Lodovico di Tolosa, a box by Embriachi (14th century- ivory), head reliquaries, three sarcophagi from the Roman period, a transenna with wheel motifs (8th century- marble) and mosaics from the ancient cathedral (11th century).

SEE, VISIT, FIND: It can be accessed by ticket from the Cloister of Paradise.
FRUITION DATA: Approximately 200,000 visitors.
OPPORTUNITIES: No suggestions.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Musei Diocesani della Campania. Guida, Castellammare di Stabia 2022 Musei Diocesani della Campania. Guida, Castellammare di Stabia 2002.


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